It’s the first day of Spring…and the Ospreys have returned!

After listening to the news early Monday morning, my heart was heavy. I went over to the spotting scope that is trained on an Osprey nest. I was so happy to see the mated pair of Ospreys had returned. Since Monday, they have been diligently rebuilding the reinforcing the nest. Today, while taking a walk on our property, the sounds of Osprey calls filled the air. There were four Ospreys wheeling in the air, a delightful way to start the first day of Spring.

Yes, these photos are not as good as I usually post, right? Because I took them! Here's a close-up of an Osprey, taken by photographer Paul Brewer in a previous year.

I find comfort that the Ospreys have returned to the Mendonoma Coast where they find tall trees for their nests, and abundant fish to feed themselves and their future chicks. Thanks to Paul for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

To hear the whistling calls of Ospreys, here is a link to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology:

You can see from my two photos that today is sunny. It's also warmer, 62 degrees this afternoon.

Spring doesn't know...