It’s like finding jewels in the forest – Calypso Orchids are blooming now.

Calypso Orchids, Calypso bulbosa, are blooming in undisturbed forests now. Craig Tooley recently photographed one.

Don't be fooled by Craig's extreme close-up - these native wildflowers are very tiny, only about three inches high. Notice the leaf on the left of the flower. It is easier to spot as it lays nearly flat on the forest floor. These wildflowers need a fungus in the soil to thrive so they can not be transplanted. They are also called Fairy Slippers or Venus's Slippers.

This morning Rick and I walked our neighbor's property where a handful grow. Yes, Lonnie and Bob, they are blooming now!

Thanks to Craig for allowing me to share his photo with you here. To see much more of Craig's nature photography, here is his website:

Absolutely lovely day with blue skies and a gentle breeze. Gray Whale spouts can be seen over the serene Pacific Ocean. Things are to change tomorrow with the promise of rain.