Tag Archives: Monique Cooper


Paul and Monique Cooper were the first to spot this Bald Eagle who is missing his or her left eye. The eagle visited their area in Irish Beach for several days.

I sent Paul's photo to several experienced birders, asking if they had seen this bird before. No one had. In my Mendonoma Sightings column I asked people to be on the lookout for this Bald Eagle and see if they could get a closer photo. Eric Zetterholm came through, as he often does.

I was told this Bald Eagle has two indentations in the back of his or her head. I would guess that this eagle was attacked, perhaps by a Great Horned Owl. Using up one of his or her lives, this Bald Eagle has completely healed and was seen by Eric eating a fish. Hooray!

Thanks to Paul and Eric for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Wind and more wind is the story today. This is suppose to be the last day of the strong wind. May it be so!

Monique Cooper spotted this Bobcat hunting near her home. She wrote, “My husband, Paul, and I spotted this Bobcat at home midday. I read Bobcats are nocturnal, and it seemed odd to see it in broad daylight. We watched him/her hunt for about an hour or so. Although the hunt was unsuccessful, it was very entertaining to watch the stalking and leaping onto whatever was supposed to be a meal.”

Bobcats hunt for rodents in grassy meadows, and as I wrote in the title line, they are often seen in the daylight hours here on the coast.

Thanks to Monique for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

We are having a sunny, breezy day, washed clean from yesterday's rain.

It’s nice to toast a beautiful sunset. Monique Cooper wrote, “I took this photo Sunday in Irish Beach. I noticed this little fella, a Banana Slug, checking out my glass of wine.”

Watching the sunset is a coast tradition, apparently even for Banana Slugs!

Thanks to Monique for allowing me to share her photo with you here.