Tag Archives: hunting gophers

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David Presotto watched this Bobcat hunting unsuccessfully for a Gopher. First comes the leap.

And then the Bobcat pounces in the Gopher hole...but to no avail.

The Bobcat looks longingly at the Gopher hole, perhaps saying, "Anybody home?"

Bobcats were thought to be nocturnal, but they are often seen in the daylight hours here on the Mendonoma Coast. Fun Fact: The markings of each Bobcat are unique, just as our fingerprints are unique.

Thanks to David for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

We are having another spectacular, sunny, warm day. It's great that we can enjoy this break because we've had so much early rain.


Monique Cooper spotted this Bobcat hunting near her home. She wrote, “My husband, Paul, and I spotted this Bobcat at home midday. I read Bobcats are nocturnal, and it seemed odd to see it in broad daylight. We watched him/her hunt for about an hour or so. Although the hunt was unsuccessful, it was very entertaining to watch the stalking and leaping onto whatever was supposed to be a meal.”

Bobcats hunt for rodents in grassy meadows, and as I wrote in the title line, they are often seen in the daylight hours here on the coast.

Thanks to Monique for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

We are having a sunny, breezy day, washed clean from yesterday's rain.