Tag Archives: Hermit Thrush about to eat a berry

Ron Bolander was at the right place - right outside his home - when he spotted this Hermit Thrush. And the little thrush was headed straight for a ripe berry with his or her beak wide open.

What great timing by Ron to catch this Hermit Thrush stepping forward for a meal!

Hermit Thrushes have a beautiful song. I always listen for the first trills early in the morning as we get closer to spring. You can hear the song at this link at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Hermit_Thrush/sounds

Thanks to Ron for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

It rained hard Sunday morning but it cleared up for the afternoon. It was then sunny and cool. Clouds began piling in in the late afternoon as more rain is headed our way!