A Sora, as photographed by Ron Bolander.

Ron Bolander had a rare sighting of a Sora here on the Mendonoma Coast. Look at how big this bird's feet and beak are!

Below you will see the Sora walking through the reeds, perhaps looking for seeds or aquatic insects. Craig Tooley also photographed this marsh bird, and his photo shows the Sora with a tiny snail it its beak. That photo is in this week's Independent Coast Observer with my weekly Mendonoma Sightings column.

Ron told me this bird disappears at the sight or sound of any disturbance. It is quite secretive and quiet. In the photo below, Ron watches as the bird searches for food, making circles in the river.

It's a real treat to see these photos of a bird most of us might not see! These birds do give out a call when disturbed that is described as a downward-pitched whinny. I don't think it sounds like a whinny, but you can hear it for yourself at this link to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Listen to the second and third calls to hear this call. https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Sora/sounds

Thank to Ron for allowing me to share these photos with you here.

Fog is the order of the day along the immediate coast. It's forecast to be sunny for the holiday weekend.