American Goldfinches are a treat to see!

American Goldfinches arrive in chattering groups, attracted to native thistles and milkweed. They love sunflower and nyger seeds, so you might be able to attract them to a tube feeder. Ron Bolander photographed this pair. The male is looking very spiffy in his bright yellow feathers.

Sara Bogard also photographed these small finches feeding on a coastal bluff.

These birds often are seen with Pine Siskins. Their songs are a series of warbles and twitters. You can listen to their call at this link of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology:

Thanks to Ron and Sara for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

A river of rain event is on its way this afternoon. It's quite balmy as we await Mother Nature's theatrics. Rick and I were out yesterday and we checked the Gualala River. It is closed by the sandbar and has filled up nicely into the lagoon. We'll have to see if the river opens with this oncoming storm.

Spring doesn't know...