A stunning photo of a young Brown Pelican.

Peggy Berryhill told me this young Brown Pelican recently posed for her.

I love these prehistoric-looking birds. We are privileged to watch their migrations every year. Young Brown Pelicans, with brown heads and white tummies, are still flying northward. Peggy saw them feeding in the mudflats of the Russian River, along with American White Pelicans and Great Egrets.

Thanks to Peggy for allowing me to share her photo with you here. Peggy is the Co-founder and General Manager of the radio station KGUA 88.3 FM. She hosts a weekly program called "Peggy's Place." I am one of her guests every month. I'm usually on the third Thursday of each month, 9 am to 10 am, but this week I will be on Wednesday, Sept. 26 from 9 am to 10 am. You can listen in live at: http://kgua.org/

2 thoughts on “A stunning photo of a young Brown Pelican.

  1. Anne Mary Schaefer

    Nice shot, Peggy! I too love watching Pelicans, so prehistoric. I think they look a whole lot like their pterodactyl predecessors.

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