Tag Archives: young Gray Whale

Eric Zetterholm saw this  young Gray Whale very close in. He went to the Gualala Bluff Trail to photograph it. A couple was on the beach with a dog and they had quite a wonderful show! First Eric photographs the whale spyhopping. Look how close this whale is to the sandbar of the Gualala River!

Here's the whale surfaces while a [lucky] person with their dog watches.

And here's a photo of the Gray Whale's tail.

What a wonderful experience for the people on the beach...and for Eric! Thanks to Eric for allowing me to share his photos with you here. Another great photo, of a man watching while this whale spyhops, will be in tomorrow's Independent Coast Observer.

We have a group of sub-adult Gray Whales who have stayed along our coast rather than migrating to the Bering Sea. This has been happening for several years now. It's exciting to see and it's heartening to know there is enough feed for them here. Karen Wilkinson recently photographed a young Gray Whale.

You can tell it's a young gray by the stubby head. And, if we had something to compare it with, you'd see the length of the young whale is less than an adult.

Thanks to Karen for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

We had our first rain in nearly six months yesterday and the night before. It felt so wonderful to hear and see it. This morning the damp forest smelled so good. We have another storm predicted for Monday night. Could mushrooms be far behind?!?