Tag Archives: white Black Oystercatcher chick

On the Mendocino Headlands, a white Black Oystercatcher chick was hard to miss. Normally the chicks are camouflaged in gray and black. This little chick is white. Roger Adamson located the chick with one of its parents and got several photos.

The chick isn't albino - note the orange beak and normal-colored eye. The term for this coloring is leucistic.

I am told this white chick has a normal-colored sibling. We hope this cute chick survives and is able to fledge. Then we will be watching as it most likely colors up.

I love their calls, a whistling "wheep." You can hear their calls at this link: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Black_Oystercatcher/sounds

Thanks to Roger for allowing me to share his photos with you here.