Tag Archives: watching the humans below


On Thursday late morning I looked up at something white in a very tall tree on the east side of Highway One in downtown Gualala. And I had my long lens camera with me, though my photos could be clearer. Until I focused my camera I didn't realize there were two Bald Eagles - they were standing so close together.

They seemed very interested with the comings and goings of the humans far below. I entitled the first photo, "Watching over Gualala." The female is bigger than the male, so I think she is perched behind the male. What a treat to see them!

It's warm (low 60's) with thin high clouds today. Mushrooms are appearing. On a forage this morning I found two matsutakes (one over the hill), two clumps of sweet tooth hedgehogs, the first bellybutton hedgehog and a handful of candy caps. Gifts from the forest.