Tag Archives: Tom Turkeys fighting

Grace O'Malley wrote, "I was at The Sea Ranch Ohlson Barn near dusk and observed two pairs of turkeys engaged in battles.  I learned from the internet that in the fall, male turkey flocks (collectively called bachelors or mobs) are full of squabbles, dominance displays, even fights - all establishing who is at the top of the literal pecking order.  One turkey had inserted his beak and part of his face down the opposing turkey’s throat, and they wrestled in that position for minutes."

"I tried to break them up and they just ignored me." Here is Grace's video of the fight.

Two male Wild Turkeys fighting - video by Grace O'Malley

Usually the Tom Turkeys are slowly moving around, strutting their beautiful feathers. It's interesting to know this fight for dominance goes on in the autumn.

Thanks to Grace for allowing me to share her photo and video with you here.

Another clear, mild day, temps in the mid-sixties. The horizon is clear this afternoon so there might be a green flash at sunset!