Tag Archives: three feet long


Mary Sue Ittner was surprised to find this big Coast Gartersnake nestled into one of her flower pots. Here's her story:

Mary Sue wrote, “I saw a snake crawling up the side of one of my Haemanthus albiflos pots. By the time I got my camera out it had tucked itself in the leaves with just its head sticking out, and then not even that. You wouldn’t know it was even there unless you looked very carefully between the leaves. Later it came out so I could see how long it was. In spite of that it found a way to fit in the pot. I managed to capture one of the times it flicked its tongue.”

Mary Sue estimated the snake was about three feet long.

Among other things, Gartersnakes will eat mice, slugs and snails. Gardeners love to have one in their garden.

Thanks to Mary Sue for allowing me to share her photos with you here.