Tag Archives: sunbeams

Before the "Rivers of Rain" arrive late Friday, here is a beautiful January sunset photo taken by Mike Nelson.

To see the sunbeams shining down through the clouds feels like a gift. And Mike's photo allows me to share it with you. Thank you, Mike!

We have a lot of rain in our forecast. And Californians say, "Bring it, Mother Nature!"

Richard Hansen photographed last night's sunset from his place in Gualala. Those sunbeams shinning through the clouds are often called God's rays.

sunset-with-gods-rays-by-richard-hansenIt's cold and clear on the Mendonoma coast today. We have to bundle up today!

Thanks to Richard for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Allen Vinson recently took this beautiful photo of sunbeams shining through the forest.

Sunbeams in the forest by Allen Vinson

The morning sun painted a pretty picture in late December in a forest on The Sea Ranch.

Thanks to Allen for allowing me to share his photo with you here.