Tag Archives: Red Abalone

Lisa wrote, "To my joy I realized it was a very low tide, so I spent an hour or so with pants rolled up trolling the tide pools and rocks, delighted by all the small wonders and beauties waiting for a curious eye to discover. Along with the array of the usual muted orange and purple starfish I found one that was a deep, bright reddish orange - absolutely stunning! It had been turned upside down by the outgoing tide and was stuck on its back, so I righted it where it would soon be doused by the salty sea goodness again." Lisa found a Bat Star.

She wrote further, "Much to my excitement I also spied two live Abalone, clinging to their exposed rocky perches, waiting out the ebb of the tide till they could hide once more in their watery world. The bigger one was about 11 inches in diameter with an opalescent sheen of soft greens and pinks."

"And then, something I've never seen at Anchor Bay Beach before - a Sea Cucumber! This one was about a foot long, orange and beige beauty."

"The tide-pools themselves were absolutely gorgeous pieces of abstract living art… What an amazing place we live in where even the bounty of the sea shares itself with us to continually inspire awe and wonder."

Thanks to Lisa for allowing me to share her photos with you here, and for her beautiful prose!

It's sunny and mild this afternoon after the cooling morning fog.