Tag Archives: quail chicks

I love seeing and hearing CA Quail. They have their chicks with them now, and they can be seen hurrying along under bushes and grasses. Ruth Downes recently photographed this male CA Quail amidst some of his offspring. He sure is a handsome fellow!

Ruth also Yellow-cheeked Chipmunks feeding right along with a CA Quail couple.

It must be summer on the Mendonoma Coast!

Thanks to Ruth for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

It's toasty warm when you get a little ways from the Pacific Ocean.

John Batchelder managed to photograph one of the fast, little CA Quail chicks he saw recently.

Quail families are being seen now. Several years ago George Anderson captured these newly hatched chicks.

And Clay Yale had two perch on saucer with water.

Here's a cute photo taken by Jon Loveless of the chicks following their mother.

The chicks are very vulnerable now, as they cannot yet fly. The number one predator of these chicks is the domestic house cat.

Thanks to John, George, Clay and Jon for allowing me to share their photos with you here.