Tag Archives: owl

Jinx McCombs and Paul Nordstrand have a motion detection camera, or a trail cam as Jinx calls it. They have had some recent visitors to their place near Point Arena. The most exciting to them was this beautiful Mountain Lion who strolled by.

Just the other night, their camera picked up two Gray Foxes appearing to meet. The camera took a dozen photos of the encounter. Notice the raised tails. One fox then left the area with the other following close behind. This could be a romantic encounter as this is mating season for Gray Foxes.

And several weeks ago the camera picked up an owl - we're not sure what type of owl.

There is a LOT going on during the night at their property!

Thanks to Jinx and Paul for allowing me to share their trail camera photos with you here.

Cooler today with some clouds drifting in, but still no rain.