Tag Archives: on the beach

Craig Tooley named these Black Oystercatchers Fred and Ginger.

It does look like they are dancing! A fun photo for you today.

Thanks to Craig for allowing me to share his photo with you here. To see much more of Craig's nature photography, here is his website: http://www.ruffimage.com

Sunny and warm today and only a gentle breeze. Perfect weather!

River Otters are year round residents of the Mendonoma Coast. They cannot abide pollution so their presence speaks to the quality of our waters. Marilyn Green photographed this one on the beach, apparently eat crabs that were molting.



The River Otter appeared to be playing in the waves, or perhaps it was simply looking for food.


Nancy Jewhurst spotted this otter on the bluffs while she was walking a trail on The Sea Ranch. Yes, River Otters can be found in the ocean, in rivers and creeks, and on land.

River Otter by Nancy Jewhurst


Thanks to Marilyn and Nancy for allowing me to share their photos with you here.