Tag Archives: northward

Gray Whales are one of the oldest species of mammals. They have been swimming in the Earth's oceans for nearly 30 million years, according to Science Daily. To contemplate their awesome twice-yearly migration is to fill you with wonder. Scott and Tree Mercer watch for whales and other marine sightings on the bluffs near the Point Arena Lighthouse. This past week they have counted 133 northbound Gray Whales.

Paul Brewer has a front row seat to view the ocean. Over the years he has photographed Gray Whales. Here is one spouting, where the whale is exhaling.

The Mercers have seen their first  mother/calf pair, which is very early this year. Another pair was seen by Diane Hichwa off of Bodega Bay. Calves seem to enjoy breaching, as Paul captured. The baby whale is beside his/her mother.

Calves have stubby heads as Paul's photo shows.

And here's a look at two Gray Whale tails, perhaps mother/calf.

And here's an x-rated sighting of a male's member, which is nicknamed the Pink Floyd.

Males on the northbound migration can have mating on their minds, but the females aren't interested. We have seen this action several times in the past week off the Mendonoma Coast.

I hope you will take comfort in these trying days that the Gray Whale migration continues as it has for millennia. I wish for all of us the best of health.

Thanks to Paul for allowing me to share his wonderful photos with you here. To see much more of Paul's nature photography, here  is his website: http://www.capturingnatureswonders.com/