Tag Archives: NOAA

Ken Bailey spotted this mother/calf pair headed north. The calf here is on the right side of its mother, staying close for protection. Killer whales prey on Gray Whale calves.

Gray Whale mother with her calf by Ken Bailey

NOAA, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, has a hexacopter drone, which can safely photograph marine mammals from above. Here is a recent photo shared on Journey North of a Gray Whale mother with her calf. The photo is courtesy of Wayne Perryman.


NOAA hexacopter photo of a mother Gray Whale and her calf, courtesy of Wayne Perryman

Thanks to Ken for allowing me to share his photo. To see much more of Ken's nature photography, including underwater photography, here is his website: http://www.seadreams.org/

To learn more about NOAA, here is their website: www.noaa.gov

And to track the Gray Whale migration, and much more, visit Journey North: http://www.learner.org/jnorth/