Tag Archives: no footprints

Our access to parks and beaches continues to be restricted, but Roxanne Holmes knows how to make lemonade at Shell Beach on The Sea Ranch. She wrote, “For years, I have loved going down to the beach every evening to enjoy the close-up view of the waves crashing, seals bobbing, adults imbibing, kids shrieking, and dogs cavorting. Now the beach is closed. That is sad, but it has caused me to find vantage points to look at the beach from spots that are more remote, elevated, and unvisited.When I did that recently, I saw the beach, for the first time, without any footprints at all. There is a unique beauty in that"

"And twelve hours later, the same beach was covered in footprints – but they were made by cavorting deer. Perhaps the deer are happy to have the beach to themselves!”

Thanks to Roxanne for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

Today is a most spectacular day - sunshine to warm us when we could use a little warmth. No sign of the Easter Bunny.

Spring doesn't know...