Tag Archives: nests under the Gualala Bridge


Chris Beach photographed the beautiful Cliff Swallows building nests on rocky cliffs. This sandstone looks perfect for multiple nests.

These swallows like to be in a group - no social distancing going on here! They build intricate nests out of mud in the shape of a gourd. This photo was taken some years ago by Robert Scarola.

Cliff Swallows will often use overpasses, the golf course tunnels at Sea Ranch, and even the Gualala Bridge. Rick and I were kayaking under the bridge when I discovered dozens and dozens of Cliff Swallow nests.

Here is a closer look at these beautiful birds. This photo was also taken by Robert Scarola.

These swallows eat lots and lots of insects every day.

Thanks to Chris and Robert for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

It's raining here this afternoon, and the gentle rain feels like a balm.

Spring doesn't know...