Tag Archives: Mylitta Crescent Butterfly

Mylitta Butterflies, Phyciodes mylitta, are small and colored orange, blank and with white edges. I am seeing one or two every day at my place in Anchor Bay. But Laura Baker topped me big-time with her sighting many of these elegant butterflies on a flowering bush at her place in Annapolis.

Here's a close-up for you to see, taken by Craig Tooley.

Life gets a little better when a butterfly comes your way! Thanks to Laura and Craig for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

It was foggy this morning, but the fog had pulled waaay back. That yellow thing...oh, yes, I remember!...the sun has appeared.

Last Sunday was a mixed bag, weather-wise. But butterflies had a sunny window to get out and find some sweet nectar. Amy found several different kinds of butterflies.

First up is one we don't see very often, a Two-banded Skipper.

And one of our most common butterflies, Gray or Grey Buckeye. It's been recently renamed - previously it was called a Common Buckeye.

Then another rarer one, an Echo Azure.

And finally the bright Mylitta Crescent.

Quite a nice bunch of butterfly sightings by Amy! Thanks to Amy for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

Sunny and breezy today. Our weather forecast changed and more rain is headed our way by Thursday afternoon.

One of Craig Tooley's Pic O Joy photos is this Mylitta Crescent Butterfly, Phyciodes mylitta.

This butterfly breeds on thistles, and both males and females visit many different types of flowers.

Thanks to Craig for allowing me to share his photo with you here. To see much more of Craig's nature photography, here is his website: http://www.ruffimage.com

It's downright hot at our place in Anchor Bay today! We need our natural air conditioning to kick in - where is that summer fog?