Tag Archives: Mary Bennett

Several people sent in photos this past week of Praying Mantises.  Joyce Nugent wrote, “I saw this Praying Mantis on my strawberries this weekend. What a delight! I haven’t seen one in years.”

Roxanne Holmes said this one paid her a visit.

Mary Bennett wrote, “I thought this was a rather handsome Praying Mantis.  I think he was as interested in me as I was of him.”

Late summer and early autumn are the most likely time to see these fascinating insects. They are fully grown now and this is their mating season. Fun Fact: If you see a Praying Mantis in your garden, you have a healthy ecosystem.

Thanks to Joyce, Roxanne and Mary for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

It's HOT on the Mendonoma Coast today. 91 degrees in the shade at our place.

Mary Bennett was excited to see a fogbow recently. She wrote, “I saw this nifty fogbow, aka a white rainbow, at Sea Ranch. It’s the first one I’ve personally seen. It made my day!”

Once you've seen one, I believe, it's easier to see another. Look for one when the fog is about bluff high in the morning. I was so excited to see my first fogbow five years ago. I tried to photograph it but my camera wouldn't focus. Rick took over and manually focused the camera. The fogbow was beginning to fade, but I did get this photo.

Thanks to Mary for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

We are having showers from the storm system that went through yesterday. And it's quite warm! This weekend should be stellar on the Mendonoma coast!