Tag Archives: Killdeer dancing

Karen Wilkinson wrote, “I get excited over all shorebirds, but the Killdeer are such fun little birds with some rather peculiar behaviors.  The injured wing defense is the one most birders talk about, but their ‘dancing in the sand or ‘fishing with their feet’ are my official favorites.

I'm wondering what's really going on when they're doing this. I was 'belly in the sand' trying not to spook them after they flew in above me, as I was focused on watching a Spotted Sandpiper. It took a while, but I could hardly believe my luck as they started coming straight towards me.

I'm still going through the 1200 plus photos I took, but I thought you might enjoy seeing the video, just looking back on it cracks me up!” I too wonder what this Killdeer is doing with  his feet. Maybe you know?

Thanks to Karen for allowing me to share her photos and video with  you here.

brrr, it's cold and cloudy with rain due to arrive mid-afternoon. Tomorrow is supposed to be very stormy, another river-of-rain event. Bring it, Mother Nature!