Tag Archives: Jim Hennessy

Every year the Bucks lose their antlers and begin the process of growing them back again, a little bigger each time if their nutrition is good. Jim Hennessy photographed this handsome buck with his antlers in velvet.

Velvet is the membrane that nourishes the growing bones underneath. If you could touch it, you'd find it hot! Or so I've read.

Thanks to Jim for allowing me to share his photo with  you here.

It was cloudy, warm and quite humid this morning. Then the fog rolled in for a spell. And this afternoon has turned sunny. A wait-five-minutes kind of day! Update: storm clouds flowed into the area and it rained overnight. We received .30 inches, so from the two small storms this week we got .65 inches of the blessed wet stuff.

See for yourself!

Jim Hennessy photographed this beautiful - or should I say, handsome - buck. Okay, the buck was probably just licking his mouth but it's pretty funny to see. This buck's antlers are in velvet, which is the membrane that nourishes the bone within. If you could touch it, you'd find it hot!

Thanks to Jim for allowing me to share his photo with you here. To see more of Jim's nature photography, here is the link to his website: http://jimhennessyphoto.com/

It was foggy this morning but it has given way to sun in most places here on the Mendonoma Coast. No wind!