Tag Archives: Gualala River opened 10.24.21

A huge storm is slamming into Northern California today, Sunday. It was more than enough to fill the Gualala River to the brim and then for the river to breach the sandbar. Bob Rutemoeller braved the rain to get these photos late this morning.

You will see the river opened at the far southern point. Here are two more photos of the raging Gualala River, with downed trees being swept out to sea. Steelhead will also be swept out to sea to begin the next stage of their lives. In the days ahead, different Steelhead will be entering the river, to make their way upriver to spawn.

And this is just what you shouldn't do when the river is opening - walk on the sandbar.

Thanks to Bob for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

A massive storm system arrived late yesterday. Early this morning I found 4.95 inches in our rain gauge. Since then another two+ inches has fallen and it's still pouring as I type this. So, seven inches and counting! Wow!