Tag Archives: Gualala River is steelhead green

Cathleen Crosby recently photographed the Gualala River -  it now sports a greenish tinge.

The river is still closed to the Pacific Ocean by the large sandbar and it has turned a beautiful green. I’ve learned from fly fisherman Charlie Ivor that this is called “Steelhead green,” and it means conditions for finding fish in the river can be excellent. Phytoplankton, single cell algae, along with a small amount of suspended mineral sediment, are turning the river water green. It’s very beneficial, helping to feed fish and other river inhabitants.

Thanks to Cathleen for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

We are waiting for a pretty good-sized storm which is supposed to begin around 4 pm. We'll take it! I'll report soon on the rain totals. I'll also be watching to see if this storm opens the river to the ocean. TBD!