Tag Archives: Gualala Point Beach

Shari Goforth-Eby saw a Gray Whale mother and calf swim northward, passing by Gualala Point Beach recently. She photographed the calf.

Note the stubby head of the young whale. Also, the calf has no barnacles. Here's a photo of an adult Gray Whale, taken by Paul Brewer for comparison.

Scott Mercer tells me the lagoons off Baja have emptied of Gray Whales, so the mother/calf pairs are on the move northward. We've had so much wind, which whips up the ocean and makes it nearly impossible to see whale spouts, that it's been difficult to spot them. The breeze died down today, so we'll be watching the ocean!

Thanks to Shari and Paul for allowing me to share their photos with you here. To see much more of Paul's nature photography, here is his website: http://www.capturingnatureswonders.com/

No wind, and the temperature dropped twenty degrees from the very warm weather we had yesterday. Just a gentle, cooling breeze off the ocean!

Margaret Lindgren was on the bluffs at Gualala Point Regional Park when she saw a Gray Whale very close to the surf break.The person on the beach is pointing to the whale.

In this next photo the whale is spouting and you can see some of his body on the left.

Here again the whale spouts.

And then the Gray Whale spyhopped!

Spyhopping is when the whale's head comes up vertically from the ocean. We think the whale is either looking around, or listening for the surf break. Or maybe you have a theory!

Thanks to Margaret for allowing me to share her photos with you here. Margaret leads fabulous nature hikes here on the Mendonoma Coast. Her website is: http://www.unbeatenpathtours.com/index.html