Tag Archives: green and tan

Wendy Van Dyck recently photographed a Praying Mantis in its tan coloration. Great camouflage!

Larry Jacobs also photographed a Praying Mantis; this one is green. Once again, the mantis blends wonderfully with the surroundings.

A Praying Mantis can also be seen as totally white as Tony Green once photographed. This happens right after a molt.

Siegfried Matull got this amazing photo of a mantis with its wings outstretched.

Thanks to Wendy, Larry, Tony and Siegfried for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Oh, it's so lovely here today - warm with a gentle breeze. This time of year can be the best time to see a green flash. Rick and I saw one this week, and tonight's sunset might give us another green flash.