Tag Archives: Gary Curtis

Common Ravens can be seen flying overhead every day. Gary Curtis recently photographed two of them resting on a bluff at The Sea Ranch.

They are very intelligent birds, and have been known to use tools. They can vocalize and one was even trained to say "Nevermore!"

Thanks to Gary for allowing me to share his photo with you here.


On May 9th, John Wall caught the magic!  He photographed a fogbow stretching over Gualala Point Island. We had fog with very high water content. Normally fogbows are completely white, but this one had a little hint of color.

Gary Curtis also photographed a fogbow that day, and his shows even more color.

These were both taken from The Sea Ranch. But fogbows were seen that day off Gualala and off Anchor Bay. Yes, I saw one that day too. It's rare to see a fogbow, so we are always excited about seeing one.

Thanks to John and Gary for allowing me to share their photos with you here.