Tag Archives: Fogbow

The Point Arena Lighthouse bluffs are a great place for many types of sightings. Mark Hancock wrote, “We have recently had perfect conditions for Fogbows at the Lighthouse. While giving some lodging guests a personal tour of the Lighthouse Tower, they were treated to one of the best ones I have ever seen.

It went from one side of the Tower, around the Tower shadow on the ground, and then to the other side. It was a wonderful experience for the guests as they had never heard of, let along seen, a Fogbow before!”

What a beautiful sighting! To learn more about our favorite lighthouse, including the accommodations, here is their link: https://www.pointarenalighthouse.com/

We had some dark clouds this morning but no rain. This afternoon is sunny and cool.

Jim Tervo and Janet Burch were gifted with the sighting of a fogbow. Janet took several photos of the white rainbow.  Jim wrote a week ago Monday, “From this morning’s walk on the bluff trail."

"Janet and I had never seen this phenomenon before. Now we know where there is a pot of gold, but don’t tell anyone.” Oh, I would never tell where the pot of gold resides!

Thanks to Janet for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

Fogbows are also called white rainbows. They don't appear very often so we cherish them when we are fortunate enough to see one. Mark Hancock wrote, “My dog, Tasi, and I were doing our closing stroll at the Lighthouse and we were treated to an amazing Fogbow to the east. Our Lighthouse Guide, Mike Chandler, had photographed one in the morning from the Tower balcony using his 360-degree camera, and it looked like a halo above the Fog Signal Building. The one I saw [in the afternoon] was a perfect arc above the perimeter fence, and I was able to take a photo with it embracing the Tower as well. What a great way to close our January 2020!”

Here is the link to see the 360 degree video taken by Mike:

Thanks to Mark and Mike for allowing me to share their photos and video here with you. To see more of Mike's photography and video services, here is the link to his website: https://www.thirdeyeviz.com/
Absolutely stellar day on the coast today,  mid 70's and little wind. Where is our rain?

We could use some fog as it has been HOT on the Mendonoma coast. A few weeks ago a rare late afternoon fogbow appeared. I'll let Mark Hancock tell the story.

“As I was leaving the Point Arena Light Station, I was treated to one of the most vivid and beautifully shaped fogbows I have ever seen.

"I think it appeared because the wispy fogbank was just barely above the Point Arena-Stornetta Lands field next to the Light Station with a brilliant blue sky above it, and the sun was low in the sky since it was around 6 p.m. I pointed it out to some folks who were parked in front of our entry, and they had been admiring it themselves!”

The vast majority of fogbows are seen in the morning, so it was nice to learn they can appear in the late afternoon.

Thanks to Mark for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Mary Bennett was excited to see a fogbow recently. She wrote, “I saw this nifty fogbow, aka a white rainbow, at Sea Ranch. It’s the first one I’ve personally seen. It made my day!”

Once you've seen one, I believe, it's easier to see another. Look for one when the fog is about bluff high in the morning. I was so excited to see my first fogbow five years ago. I tried to photograph it but my camera wouldn't focus. Rick took over and manually focused the camera. The fogbow was beginning to fade, but I did get this photo.

Thanks to Mary for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

We are having showers from the storm system that went through yesterday. And it's quite warm! This weekend should be stellar on the Mendonoma coast!