Tag Archives: first Pacific Rhododendron blooms

Right on time, the first blooming Pacific Rhododendrons have been seen. Catherine Miller photographed one over the past weekend.

We call them wild Rhodies. They are native from southern British Columbia to Northern California. Their scientific  name is Rhododendron macrophyllum, which literally means, “Rose tree with big leaves.” Here's a closeup of a blossom Catherine took in a prior year.

Thanks to Catherine for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

Another sunny, warm, breezy day in Anchor Bay. I see fog over the ocean so perhaps it is foggy to our north. Lots of micro climates here on the Mendonoma Coast!

The wild rhodies are blooming because Spring doesn't know.

Last week Sarah Flaim photographed the Moon with Jupiter far beneath it. Just lovely.

Thanks to Sarah for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

I had my first sightings of a wild rhododendron in bloom, a Pacific Rhododendron in bloom along side Highway One in Salt Point State Park. A patch of orange-red Coast Lilies is blooming along the highway too. This is a wonderful time of year on the Mendonoma coast.