Tag Archives: Dash

A Mendonoma sunset is something to be savored. This is what John Wall saw from his Sea Ranch home last week. Isn't beautiful?

I asked John if those were Brown Pelicans resting on the island and he said yes! Brown Pelicans are now headed southward. They are being seen here in very large numbers.

Bonus photo from John! Dash, the dog, points out a vole or gopher. What a dog!

Thanks to John for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

Smoke from fires far to our north drifted in overnight...ugh. And it's quite warm, over 80 degrees at Rick's and my place in Anchor Bay. Cooler weather is predicted and even a chance of sprinkles on Friday. So, hopefully the smoke will be fleeting.

John Wall’s dog, Dash, points out nature sightings. A few weeks ago, Dash found a Vole.

John wrote, “Everyone has seen a Vole hole, but not that many have seen a whole Vole! Dash wanted to share this sighting with you since he spotted one of our little friends sunning himself along our way. And we told the Vole, ‘Bud, you’re gonna be lunch for a heron or something if you stay out here like this!’ So we gently herded him back into his hole!” Voles are small rodents and are related to lemmings and hamsters. They are sometimes called meadow mice.

And wouldn't you know it, a few days later John photographed a Great Blue Heron with a Vole in its beak. I wonder if it was the same Vole!

And here on a recent sunny day, Dash is contemplating the cosmos...and the Pacific Ocean. What a dog!

Thanks to John for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

Rain is predicted for tonight, and some dark clouds passed by earlier. But this afternoon the sun broke through, temps in the low 50's. Humpback Whales were seen off Point Arena this morning, six or seven!

John Wall and his dog, Dash, confirmed that there was no walking on Walk On Beach at The Sea Ranch recently.

Dash doesn't understand why he can't go down and run on his favorite beach. But for now, you can only enjoy this beach from the bluffs. Walk On Beach is one of the public access trails and beaches usually accessible on Sea Ranch. We look forward to the day when it, and others, can be reopened.

Thanks to John for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

It's heating up on the Mendonoma coast! I call this tomato weather, as in good weather for growing tomatoes. Today, for the first time, I saw through our spotting scope two scrawny Osprey chicks in their nest. The father Osprey had brought fish back to the nest and the mother Osprey was feeding them. It was a happy sighting for me this morning.

Spring doesn't know...


John Wall and his dog, Dash, were walking at Gualala Point Regional Park when they came across this scene.

John and Dash found an Oregon Gartersnake nabbing an Alligator Lizard. That's a pretty big meal for the Gartersnake. Here's another angle.

Did you know gartersnakes are beneficial in your garden? They eat slugs and bugs, along with snails. No need to be afraid of them...unless you are an alligator lizard like the one in John's photo!

Thanks to John for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

Much cooler now and it really feels like autumn. Strong breezes today too.