Tag Archives: beautiful beach

Bettye Winters noticed the sparkling ocean with a fishing boat passing by. Lucky for us she had her camera at hand.

And here Bettye photographed Manchester Beach from the bluffs at the north end. This California state park is lightly used. It is not unusual to see no one else at this beautiful beach.

Thanks to Bettye for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

Sure, the water is cold and you probably will need a wet suit. But Anchor Bay Beach is a fun place to ride the waves. David Wayne Floyd recently photographed a fellow with a boogie board enjoying the waves.

Here's a link to a photo of surfing at this beautiful beach: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/05/20/surfing-on-the-mendonoma-coast/

Thanks to David for allowing me to share his photo with you here.


Cook's Beach is found north of Gualala. Drive up Highway One until you reach mile marker 3.14, then turn left at Route 526, which is the old Coast Highway. Just to your right is the entrance path to Cook's Beach. The trail is called Bonham Trail in honor of the Bonham family's easements, which made this access possible.

 Below is a view to the south from the overlook on top of the bluff.

 And here is a view to the north from the overlook. Since this is a pocket beach it is protected from wind.

It's a kid friendly beach, as well as dog friendly. And it's a perfect place to watch the sunset.

The Redwood Coast Land Conservancy brought us this wonderful access. To learn more about them, here's a link to their web site:  http://www.rc-lc.org/index.html