Tag Archives: after a storm

Bonny Dunn is a licensed drone pilot. After last week's storm, she took these two photos from the Fish Rock area, just north of Anchor Bay.

Aren't they beautiful? I love the perspective these photos display. Another of Bonny's photos will be in tomorrow's Independent Coast Observer. What? You don't have a membership, which gives you the print and the online edition? You can donate here: https://mendonoma.com/memberpay.html

Thanks to Bonny for allowing me to share her photos with you here. To see much more of Bonny's photography, here is the link to her website: https://bonnydunn.com/

We had downpours this morning interspersed with rainbows. This afternoon we have sun mixed with beautiful clouds. What a storm! 4.62 inches, 43.92 season to date at Rick's and my place.