Western Gull chicks, as photographed by Jon Shiu.

Western Gulls are the only gulls that nest on the Mendonoma coast. Jon Shiu recently photographed three chicks, looking like little rocks with legs! Is the one on the right singing? Most likely he/she is hoping to get fed.

Here's a look at three adult Western Gulls with the chicks behind them.

Thanks to Jon for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

There's a fog bank over the ocean, keeping temps very nice and not too toasty. It's very hot inland and it was hot away from the ocean yesterday. It hit 88 degrees at my place in Anchor Bay yesterday, and today it's 78 degrees. No wind to speak of and lots of visitors are here escaping the inland heat, just as Rick and I used to do when we lived in Walnut Creek!