Gray Fox kits add to the cuteness factor on the Mendonoma Coast!

Mirka Knaster wrote, “Mother and kits were living under the ramp of my studio and playing like kittens, apparently without fear of me. I even had a ‘conversation’ with mama fox."

"They’re gone now but such fun when they were here.”

I must say that I'm jealous. I wish a Gray Fox family would be under one of my decks! I love Gray Fox kits so much that I picked a photo of one, taken by Craig Tooley, for our beautiful books, Mendonoma Sightings Throughout the Year.

Thanks to Mirka and Craig for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Our short but intense heatwave is over, thank goodness. Cool breezes came with the dawn. It's just about perfect today. The Mendonoma Coast is calling you!