The first Fawns have been born, and they were dancing in the rain!

Roxanne Holmes photographed twin Fawns last week. She said they were dancing and playing as if it were the first day of the lives, and it may have been. It was raining that day and they were dancing in the rain.

Many more fawns to be born in the days ahead. If you have a Doe cross the road in front of you, wait several moments to see if one, or two, or even three Fawns might be following her.

Thanks to Roxanne for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

It's a sunny, breezy day here on the Mendonoma Coast. Harbor Seals are also being born, and Gray Whale mothers and calves are passing by, heading north. It's a special time of year. Also special for me was my time at Point Arena High School today, talking with two groups of seniors. What great people!