An action shot by Sara Bogard – an American Kestrel diving on a Red-shouldered Hawk, plus a cute Belted Kingfisher.

Sara Bogard was out at the Point Arena Lighthouse bluffs when she noticed a juvenile Red-shouldered Hawk and something else. She wrote, "This American Kestrel was diving at this Red-shouldered Hawk. The Kestrel won and the Red-shouldered Hawk flew off, a dramatic moment."

Sara also recently photographed a Belted Kingfisher. Such a cute little gal!

This morning I  heard a Red-shouldered Hawk calling overhead. Their call is quite distinctive and you can hear it for yourself at this link at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology:

Thanks to Sara for allowing me to share her photos with  you here.

Lots of dark clouds in the sky today but no rain predicted. This morning several people sent me photos of a cloud that looked like a bird...or an angel. I'll share it here soon.