Several Monarch Butterflies have been seen, as photographed by Judith Fisher and Grace O’Malley.

To see a beautiful Monarch Butterfly in winter means we have a few overwintering Monarchs here, which is very good news. Judith Fisher recently spotted this Monarch at Gualala Point Regional Park.

And in Timber Cove Grace O'Malley had this Monarch feeding on her Pride of Madeira bush.

Monarch Butterflies used to overwinter on the Mendonoma Coast but their numbers have been in a tailspin...until this past autumn/winter, where Monarchs have been seen in much larger numbers. Fingers crossed and recrossed that these beauties will thrive in the future.

Thanks to Judith and Grace for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Unseasonably warm here today. 73 degrees this afternoon with low humidity. This isn't January it? Scott and Tree Mercer are seeing lots of Gray Whales headed south. They are a ways out, two to four miles, so binoculars are very helpful.