A Bobcat hunting, as photographed by Eric Zetterholm.

Eric Zetterholm noticed this Bobcat sitting in a meadow at The Sea Ranch.

Suddenly the Bobcat rose up and began staring at Gopher holes. Eric watched the cat with the tufted ears try to get a tasty rodent, but this time the Bobcat was unsuccessful. Just look at the intensity in the Bobcat's face!


Thanks to Eric for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

Saturday is a spectacular day, warm with no wind. Last night, watching with friends, we saw a beautiful green flash at sunset. There is blessed rain in our forecast!

2 thoughts on “A Bobcat hunting, as photographed by Eric Zetterholm.

    1. Jeanne Jackson

      Post author

      I have a cute video of a kitten hissing at a Bobcat through a sliding glass door. The kitten was lucky it's an indoor kitty!

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