It’s comforting to know that Harbor Seal moms are giving birth now.

Yes, the first Harbor Seal pups have made their appearance in secluded coves. One area where they are born is at Tidepool Rookery off The Sea Ranch, another area is by the Point Arena Lighthouse/Point Arena Stornetta Lands. After the birth, the mother and pup touch noses. Sara Bogard recently witnessed a birth, and she photographed this photo which she entitled, "A Mother's Kiss." The mother is on the left.

A sweet, loving photo for you today. Thanks to Sara for allowing me to share it with you.

A few words of warning: never "rescue" a pup you might see along on the beach. The mother leaves her sweet pup to go feed. Also, make sure your dogs are leashed, or better yet, leave them behind if viewing Harbor Seals now. Make no noise or sudden movement, and you will be rewarded with a blissful sighting.

Another warm spring day here on the Mendonoma coast, with high clouds. Spring doesn't know...