We have a community handbell choir on the Mendonoma Coast.

The Ernest Bloch Bell Ringers at Gualala Arts Saturday, December 14, 3 pm.
Bell Ringers Holiday Concert for the Coast.

The Ernest Bloch Bell Ringers will present their annual Holiday Concert for the Coast concert on Saturday, December 14 at 3 pm in the Coleman Auditorium of the Gualala Arts Center. This concert is sure to get you in the holiday spirit. The concert is scheduled for Saturday, December 14 at 3 pm. Tickets are $15 advance, $5 additional when purchased the day of. Tickets available at Gualala Arts and Dolphin Gallery, and at BrownPaperTickets.

It should be great! I'm on the back left row. I've enjoyed ringing the bells over the years but one year, just a month before a big concert, my golden retriever, Huckleberry, pulled me over in a parking lot and I broke my wrist. I was forced out of my comfort zone and had to switch with our then conductor, Sita Milchev. What I found out was that I LOVED conducting, and I've been doing it ever since.

Rainy on the coast today with BIG crashing waves.