Brown Pelicans can be seen on the Mendonoma coast now.

This morning Rick and I, along with friends Pam and Eric Ryan, saw a large group of Brown Pelicans on the sandbar of the Gualala River. We were walking the Gualala Bluff Trail when we saw them, a true delight!

Grace O'Malley was at the Bodega Bay Harbor recently when she saw these two Brown Pelicans coming in for a landing. They look like they are tippy-toeing across the surface of the water.

Then, with Grace watching, the two pelicans face-planted into the water. It's enough to make one laugh out loud!

As graceful as Brown Pelicans are in flight, they can be quite clumsy in landing. Ah, we love the Brown Pelicans, graceful or not! They have recently dispersed along the coast - a large group was recently seen resting of Gualala Point Island.

Thanks to Grace for allowing me to share her photos with  you here.

The weather here changed dramatically today. This morning it was warm and still. When we walked the Bluff Trail it was probably in the mid-70s. Then around noon the fog formed up. The temps dropped 15 degrees. Amazing...