Healthy-looking Bucks, and a Buck who is “antlerly” challenged.

Healthy-looking Black-tailed Deer Bucks, with large antlers in velvet, are being seen up and down the Mendonoma Coast. Nik Epanchin photographed these two handsome fellows in Irish Beach.

Further to the south, Drew Fagan photographed an unusual-looking Buck - a normal size antler on his right side and a stunted one on his left.

It's possible this Buck was in a fight with another male last autumn during their mating season. That could have caused an injury to the pedicle of his left antler causing it to be deformed or stunted.

Thanks to Nik and Drew for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Sunny, breezy, temps in the 60s today with the Pacific Ocean stretching out to infinity.

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