We’re seeing young Brown Pelicans in big numbers – a good sign!

These juvenile Brown Pelicans have a brown head and a white tummy. They were hatched to our south and are now migrating northward. Gail Jackson photographed the sight at Gualala Point Regional Park. Here is a group right alongside the Gualala River.

Western Gulls don't mind hanging out with the bigger birds.

And here Gail photographed a juvenile in flight, always a happy sighting.

Brown Pelicans have slow wingbeats, so they can be easier to photograph.

Thanks to Gail for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

2 thoughts on “We’re seeing young Brown Pelicans in big numbers – a good sign!

  1. Kitty Wolfe

    Thank you Gail for sharing these pics. I love seeing pelicans out by the Point Areana Lighthouse too.

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