Between storms today – a beautiful day on the Mendonoma coast.

We took a walk on the Gualala Bluff Trail this morning, marveling at the big surf. The skies are blue and the Gualala River is flowing out to sea.

The forecast calls for lots of rain, but you couldn't tell by today!

Last Thursday the Gualala River was muddy and much higher due to storms.

Harbor Seals and Gulls at the Gualala River by Jeanne Jackson

Here is a short video. There were nearly 100 Harbor Seals hauled out on the sandbar. There were also many Gulls, some in the river washing themselves. Others were drying out on the sand. It was fun to watch the Gulls being drawn closer to the river mouth and then flying up and back into the river to be carried along by the current once again.