Humpback Whales continue to be seen off the Mendonoma coast!

Paul and Jackie Brewer have a front row seat to watch for whales from their Gualala home. Last week a pod of Humpback Whales was seen feeding. Here you can see the spouts of three Humpbacks.

And here is the tail of a Humpback Whale.

In this next photo you can see another tail photo but there's a line of what Paul thought might be fish. Upon closer examination, whale expert Scott Mercer determined they were "many, many California Sea Lions." There must have been a LOT of forage fish in the ocean.

More whales were seen yesterday, including two spouts seen by me as Rick and I drove home from Santa Rosa. The spouts were seen south of Fort Ross. It never gets old see a whale...never.

Thanks to Paul for allowing me to share his photos with you here. To see much more of Paul's nature photography, here is the link to his website:

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