Tag Archives: fog bow


On May 9th, John Wall caught the magic!  He photographed a fogbow stretching over Gualala Point Island. We had fog with very high water content. Normally fogbows are completely white, but this one had a little hint of color.

Gary Curtis also photographed a fogbow that day, and his shows even more color.

These were both taken from The Sea Ranch. But fogbows were seen that day off Gualala and off Anchor Bay. Yes, I saw one that day too. It's rare to see a fogbow, so we are always excited about seeing one.

Thanks to John and Gary for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

This photo was recently sent to me, though it was taken by Azita Jackman last year at Gualala Point Regional Park. It's a wonderful photo of a white rainbow, or fogbow.

Fogbow by Azita Jackman

The best time to see a rare fogbow is in the early morning. If the fog is about bluff high, as in Azita's photo, and the sun is coming up in the eastern sky, you have a chance to see this phenomenon.

Thanks to Colleen Jackman for sending this photo to me and to Azita for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

Rick and I were traveling down Highway 1 a week ago Tuesday and the fog was hovering bluff-high. With the morning sun shining on the fog, a beautiful fogbow formed. Rick was able to pull over and I tried to get a photo. My auto focus wouldn't focus on the fogbow, much to my frustration. Then Rick told me to switch to manual and I got this photo.

Fogbows are also called white rainbows. Now that I've finally seen one, I can move on to my next goal - to see a Moonbow! With autumn approaching and the first of our rains, there is a chance to see this very rare occurrence. The moon needs to be full or close to full with showers opposite it. I would dearly love to see one.

Pamela Fitzgerald recently photographed a rare fog bow over one of the buildings at the Point Arena Lighthouse.

The Lighthouse bluffs and the Lighthouse tower are some of the best places on the Mendonoma Coast for whale watching and observing seabird migration. There are several rental units there. You can learn more at: http://www.pointarenalighthouse.com/

One of my favorite photos of the Lighthouse was taken at night by Sus Susalla. Here is the link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2012/08/21/nocturnal-view-of-the-point-arena-lighthouse-as-photographed-by-sus-susalla/

Cathleen was driving in dense fog near Irish Beach in only fifty feet visibility last week. She came around a curve into brilliant sunshine. And there over the fog-shrouded water of the Pacific Ocean was a beautiful fog bow.

We are having spectacular weather here on the Mendonoma Coast in advance of a series of storms that are headed our way. I'm looking forward to having the seasonal creek that crosses our land come to life. That is always a happy day!